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Message from the Superintendent: COVID-19 closure extended through end of school year
Photo of Superintendent Dr. Terry OattsApril 1, 2020 

Dear RCPS Parents, Students, Staff, and Community Members,

I am writing to share that Governor Kemp has just announced that he will be issuing an executive order that directs that all schools in the state be closed for the remainder of this school year. I realize that this is a significant move, but the nature of this public health crisis requires such action. Nothing is more important than our students’ and staff’s safety and well-being. In forthcoming correspondence, I will share more information with you on the implications for this executive order on Rockdale County Public Schools. What you can be assured of is that we will continue to do right by our staff and students. Of course next week is our Spring Break, and there will be no Independent Learning or meal delivery routes; however, both will resume after Spring Break. Please continue to check back to the RCPS COVID-19 Update Center, for more details in the coming days. Thank you for doing your part in the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Together we will navigate this unprecedented public health crisis.

In the coming days, we will be communicating with families, students and staff what this executive order means for Rockdale County Public Schools. Please continue to check for updates and information.