Grading and Reporting
Progress Reports and Report Cards for Grades 1 to 12 are online in your Infinite Campus Portal account (Only Kindergarten will receive printed reports). Instructions on how to view grades, Progress Reports, Report Cards, or how to set up your account are at
For help setting up your Infinite Campus Portal account or questions on report cards, please contact
your school.
Testing Dates and Report Card Dates (click here)
The achievement status of students in Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) is formally assessed and reported to parents via report cards on a regular basis. The most important purposes of our grading and reporting system are:
- To communicate achievement status of students
- To document students’ performance to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional program
- To promote student learning
Helpful Information
Promotion and Retention Policies and Regulations
GKIDS Parent's Guide
Testing Dates and Grade Reporting Dates
Student Workbooks (High School Graduation Requirements)
Parent Handbooks, Kindergarten Handbooks
The Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) is a performance based assessment aligned to Kindergarten Georgia Performance Standards. GKIDS allows teachers to assess student performance during instruction, record student performance in an on-line database, and generate report cards. At the end of each 9 weeks, teachers evaluate student performance on the following scale:
- • Not Yet Demonstrated
- • Emerging
- • Progressing
- • Meets the Standard
- • Exceeds the Standard
Grades 1 and 2
Students in grades 1 and 2 are assessed using a Standards-Based Report Card.Each 9 weeks, progress on specific standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies is reported according to the following Performance Descriptions:
Performance Level 1
Little to No Progress Toward Standard
Indicates that the student is generally unable to demonstrate the learning goal even with much assistance and guidance.
**Level 1 would mean that the student can demonstrate NO skills with or without guidance.
Performance Level 2
Progressing Toward the Standard
If multiple skills are included in the performance level description, a score of 2 would indicate: (a) that the student could demonstrate at least 1 or more of the skills with guidance OR (b) that the student could demonstrate at least 1 of the skills independently.
**If they can demonstrate any skills independently, then they are at least a level 2
**If they can demonstrate any skills with guidance, then they are at least at level 2
Performance Level 3
Meeting the Standard
Indicates that the student is able to independently (without significant guidance and assistance) demonstrate mastery of the learning goal. If multiple skills are included in the performance level description, a score of 3 would indicate that the student can demonstrate independent mastery of all skills listed.
Performance Level 4
Indicates that the student is able to independently and consistently demonstrate the learning goal AND is able to go significantly beyond the expected level of performance with greater depth and application.
It is important to note that the requirements to meet the standards increase each quarter; therefore it is quite possible for a child to score a 3 or 4 first quarter and then make a 2 second quarter as the level of difficulty increase.
Grades 3-5, Middle School and High School
Students in grades 3-12 are assessed using a standards-reference grading system.
A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 F = 69 and below
Reporting on Learner Behaviors and Work Habits
Rockdale County Public Schools is committed to developing students both academically and socially. Our goal is to develop students as responsible citizens who will serve the community and demonstrate the highest ethical standards. We believe that parents and students need regular feedback about student’s behaviors and work habits. Therefore, our grading and reporting system is designed to provide significant emphasis on the types of behaviors that will promote learning and future success.
Learner behaviors that have an indirect impact on achievement will be reported separately for the course.
At the end of each grading period, students will receive a performance rating in each of the following four areas of Learner Behaviors:
- Being prepared for class.
- Demonstrating appropriate group skills.
- Organization and preparation of materials.
- Arriving to class on time.
- Turning in assignments on time.
- Displaying respect and regard for peers and adults.
- Following rules and directions.
- Being actively engaged in learning tasks.
- Completion of homework assignments.
In each of these four areas, student performance will be reported according to the following scale:
S = Satisfactory NI = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory