Congratulations to our 2020 STAR Students and Teachers, recognized by the Conyers and Rockdale Rotary Clubs February 13, 2020. The STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Recognition) Student honor is awarded to one student in each high school with the highest SAT score who is also in the top 10 or top 10 percent of their class. That student selects a teacher as their STAR Teacher.
For the first time, there was a tie for Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) district STAR Student. Congratulations to district STAR Students Sarah Goldgar and Abigail Osser, both from the Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology! Their STAR Teacher is Dr. Charles Garner.
This year's STAR Students and Teachers are:
Salem High School
STAR Student - Gabriel E. James
STAR Teacher - Mrs. Jenni Caruso
Heritage High School
STAR Student - Declan Fionn Fitzgerald
STAR Teacher - Mrs. Kelly Elder
Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology
STAR Students (tied) - Sarah Goldgar, Abigail Oser
STAR Teacher - Dr. Charles Garner
Rockdale County High School
STAR Student - Steven Omari Rivers
STAR Teacher - Mrs. Lauren Arrington
Thank you to the Rotary Club of Conyers and the Rotary Club of Rockdale County and thank you to STAR ceremony sponsor Synovus Bank for your support for students and teachers. The award is a program of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE).
Photo below, pictured left to right: Front row - Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology (RMSST) STAR Students (and Rockdale County Public Schools STAR Students) Abigail Oser and Sarah Goldgar, RMSST STAR Teacher Dr. Charles Garner, Heritage High School (HHS) STAR Student Declan Fionn Fitzgerald, HHS STAR Teacher Kelly Elder, Rockdale County High School (RCHS) STAR Student Steven Omari Rivers, RCHS STAR Teacher Lauren Arrington, SHS STAR Student Gabriel James, SHS STAR Teacher Jenni Caruso, RMSST Counselor Lauren Llewin. Back row - Rockdale County Board of Education member Heather Duncan, HHS Principal LaTonya Richards, RCHS Principal Dr. Eldridge Powell, Rockdale Rotary Club President Cindy Rehorn, Conyers Rotary Club President Thua Barlay, Synovus Assistant Vice President Ben Cantrell, Synovus Vice President Arlesha Little, RCPS Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts, SHS Principal Dr. Brandi Johnson.